Blue Peel for Men

The blue peel can be a great solution for men, as the procedure reduces wrinkles and erases acne and age spots. Blue peel is a non invasive procedure, with a fast recovery time that can give great results in men.


The blue peel treatment uses a solution made of trichloracetic acid (TCA) in a 20% concentration, mixed with a blue ionic base. The solution can be applied on small areas of the body such as face, neck, upper side of the back or arms, where wrinkles or age spots may occur.


The solution should be applied in 1 to 4 coats; the areas that are more wrinkly or affected by acne or age spots will be treated with several coats.

The blue peel treatment for men is an outpatient treatment and its average duration is 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the number of coats that need to be applied. Local anesthesia will be required.


The best candidates for blue peel are men over the age of 35 that have wrinkles or age spots. Younger men with an acne problem can also benefit from the blue peel treatment.

The results of the treatment will be a younger, tighter and cleaner skin.

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