Potential Risks and Complications of TriActive

TriActive?is a non-invasive procedure which employs a low-energy laser, coupled with suction massage to remove cellulite and tighten sagging skin. This procedure helps in defining body contours, aiding toxin elimination from the body, and reducing fluid retention and cellulite. Localized cooling is the third aspect of the TriActive, which aims to reduce any pain or discomfort you might feel during the procedure.

FDA-approved, the equipment used during a TriActive procedure has been categorized as a Class II device. This means that spa professionals or other non-medical professionals, as well as cosmetic physicians, can perform this procedure. TriActive does not require the use of any anaesthesia or numbing agent as the physician or spa professional moves the handheld unit over the areas that need contouring.

Risks before TriActive

There are no known serious risks or complications of the TriActive procedure, though eligibility is an important aspect of having it done. If you are pregnant, suffering from asthma, congestive heart failure or hyperthyroidism, or any other condition which can be adversely affected by increased lymphatic drainage, the procedure may be extremely risky. Consult with your doctor before making any decision. The procedure is suitable for all skin tones and body types.

Risks during TriActive

The procedure involves massaging the skin to improve elasticity as well as increase lymphatic drainage. Six diode lasers penetrate into the skin, aiding collagen production, resulting in younger and firmer skin. The lasers also increase blood flow to fat cells, causing them to excrete cellulite fat and releasing surface dimples.

TriActive is completely painless, as the localized cooling arrangement on the machine helps in lowering the pain and easing the muscles, although it might not have a long lasting effect. The therapeutic massage is also used to relieve any muscle pain you might be experiencing during the procedure. Each treatment lasts about 30 to 45 minutes.

Risks after TriActive

You may experience some mild discomfort or swelling after the procedure. An ice pack or even pain medication can be used to ease any pain following a treatment session. Swelling in the affected area will subside within a few days of the procedure. A stretchable bandage is used by physicians to keep the affected area secure. You might also experience some bruising or scarring after TriActive, but these are very rare risks and are minimal in nature.

Apart from this there are no long term risks associated with this procedure and you will be able to return to your daily activities immediately following a treatment session. You will not be required to put in any specific recovery time. It can be used on many parts of the body, including, face, neck, midriff, thighs and arms. Results will become visible after the 5th to 7th session, though it may also take you between 10 and 15 sessions to see clear results. It is important to note that the results are not permanent and you will be required to undertake monthly treatments to maintain the effects.

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